Response of soil respiration to simulated nitrogen deposition in Pleioblastus amarus forest, rainy area of West China 华西雨屏区苦竹林土壤呼吸对模拟氮沉降的响应
Study on Relation of Bamboo Stem Structure Factors of Pleioblastus amarus for Bamboo Shoot and Timber 绿竹笋用林丰产机理与栽培技术研究苦竹笋材兼用林立竹结构因子关系研究
The transformation of horizon and the suffering of the period of bamboo groves: Investigating the metaphysics of bamboo groves of "Chuangzi" from hermeneutics Study on Relation of Bamboo Stem Structure Factors of Pleioblastus amarus for Bamboo Shoot and Timber 视域转移与竹林式痛苦&对《庄子》式竹林玄学的诠释学考察苦竹笋材兼用林立竹结构因子关系研究
Utilization status and development managment measures of Pleioblastus amarus 苦竹利用现状和发展经营措施
The Distribution of Main Nutrient Elements in the Organs of Pleioblastus amarus and the Nutrient Output of its Harvesting 苦竹各器官主要营养元素分布及采伐的养分输出
Biomass models of organs of Pleioblastus amarus 苦竹各器官生物量模型
Preliminary study on water required rule of Pleioblastus amarus 苦竹需水规律研究Ⅰ
A Study on the Major Nutrient Components and Trace Element of Bamboo Shoots of Pleioblastus amarus 苦竹竹笋主要营养成分和微量元素的研究
An Analysis of Nutrient Components of Pleioblastus amarus Leaves and Shoots 苦竹笋、叶营养成分分析
Study on the Biomass Model of Pleioblastus amarus 苦竹生物量模型的研究
Studies on the Growth of Pleioblastus amarus after Controlled Burning 苦竹在炼山后生长恢复情况调查研究
Based on the studies of the ferment techniques, the comparison of the main nutrition constituents in the leaves of Pleioblastus amarus fermented in different time is conducted. 通过对苦竹叶制茶发酵工艺的研究,比较不同发酵时间苦竹叶主要化学营养成分的变化。